Cover Letters

cover letter


Did you know that Cover letters are just as important as the CV itself?

According to a recent survey done in 2016, 70% of recruiters agree that they read a candidates cover letter before taking a look at the CV itself. The Cover Letter is as important as the CV, although 60% of people looking for work unfortunately spend the least time on it.

When a Recruiter has thousands of CVs to shortlist from, cover letters set the tone of an "application for work request" YOUR CV should inspire the Recruiter to turn over enthusiastically believing she may have found the perfect candidate.

Elite Sourcing offers professionally tailored cover letters that will maximize your chances of passing through to the interview stage. All of our cover letters are written and printed in the same style as your CV, ensuring a fully co-ordinated image that will give you the best opportunity of success.

Single Cover Letter

Cover letters are normally sent when you would like to apply for a position that has not been advertised internally or externally as yet. We can assist you with a cover letter aimed at the company, promoting yourself for the type of position you are interested in.

If you know of a position that has been advertised, send us a copy of the position advertised and we will provide you with a strong, positive cover letter, specially tailored to the advertised position.

5 Letter Pack


  • One speculative letter
  • Advertisement response letter
  • Application follow-up letter
  • Thank you for interview letter

Job Criteria Response Letter

If you need a professional cover letter, or a supporting letter that requires you to outline how you meet the selection criteria for a specific job, let us know, we would love to assist you. The reports they may require from you are usually quite detailed and require you to give exact explanations of your past work history, accomplishments etc. our Team of writers know exactly how to turn your information into a powerful presentation.

Talk to us, we are here for you!